
Facebook Studio Awards for Creative Work and Excellence

Facebook Studio Awards

Course(s) Offered: Creative work
Course Level: Contest
Provider: Facebook Inc.
Country to Study in: Any country (online)

Scholarship Description
The Facebook Awards celebrate the best creative work on Facebook, as chosen by some of the top creatives in the industry.

Not only do they recognize excellence in execution, they set the bar for creative growth and evolution on Facebook.

Thousands of campaigns have been entered into the Facebook Awards, with representation from 80 countries in 2014.

Submissions for the 2015 Facebook Studio Award will open January 28, 2015. See below for details of entry. Best of luck, and may the best campaigns win!

Facebook Studio Awards
Facebook Studio Awards

This year the jury will be looking for work that exemplifies the following:
  • Craft & Execution: Was there a focus on high quality visuals, aesthetics and copywriting? Did your creative add to people's experience in News Feed? Did the work exemplify the brand voice and was it relevant for the audience?
  • Scale & Targeting: Did you reach all of the people who matter to you? Did you reach them where they spend the most time—in News Feed and on mobile? Did you use Facebook marketing products to extend the reach of your message?
  • Business Results: What metrics did you establish for your campaign? How did your Facebook campaign drive the overall business goals and ROI for the client?
Eligible groups
Citizens of ALL countries worldwide may apply

Fields of study
Creative work on Facebook on ANY area of human endeavor is welcomed

Number of awards
Not specified - it varies.

With the above 'Eligibility criteria' as guidelines, jury members will present Facebook Studio Awards to all entries they deem outstanding examples of marketing with Facebook.

Award benefits
With awards given to each region, they're also a chance to add some sweet hardware to your shelf. The very best work on the platform receives Facebook's highest honor — the Blue Award.

Method of Application
Agencies and brands can submit work for awards consideration by selecting "Submit Work" on any page of Facebook Studio. There is no entry fee.

Original work can be in any language, but submissions must be in English.

All works published to the Facebook site between February 1, 2013 and January 31, 2014 was considered for the 2014 awards. Facebook strongly recommends a case study video for Awards consideration.

The Jury:
Members of Facebook Creative Council are invited to serve on the jury or appoint a proxy for the annual Facebook Studio Awards.

The 2015 Awards open for entries on January 28, 2015, and close on April 1.

Winners will be announced in early June. Check back in early January 2015 for criteria and details on how to submit applications for the 2015 edition of the Facebook Studio Awards.

Now in its third year, the Studio Awards celebrate the brands and agencies doing best-in-class work on Facebook.

The Studio Awards offer an opportunity to receive international recognition and have the top minds in the industry reward your work for creative excellence. It’s also a chance to get exposure through Facebook’s marketing channels and add some sweet hardware to your shelf.

Application Deadline: 1 April 2015
Open to International Applicants: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

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