
International Full Time MBA Scholarships and Financial Aid in Italy for Students Worldwide

MIP Financial Aid Program

Course(s) Offered: Management
Course Level: Graduate (MBA)
Provider: Politecnico Di Milano
Country to Study in: Italy

Scholarship Description
The Politecnico Di Milano (MIP) International Full-Time Master of Business Administration (MBA) is made more accessible to worthy candidates through the MIP Financial Aid Program.

Every year, MIP and its collaborators award financial assistance to International full-time MBA candidates, ranging from merit-based tuition fee contributions to company scholarships.

In general, there are General Financial Aid, Country-based Financial Aid, Company Sponsorships, Competitions AND Contribution for Exceptional Merit.
MIP Financial Aid Program
To be considered for any financial aid, please first submit your application to: infomasters@mip.polimi.it. You will then be provided the Financial Aid Application upon request, to be filled out and returned shortly after initiating the MBA application.

Financial Assistance and Tuition Fee Contributions are mostly merit-based and priority is given to early-bird applications and decisions regarding the awarding of financial aid will be made at each application deadline.

[A]. General Financial Aid

General Tuition Fee Waivers offered by MIP
These tuition fee waivers are merit based and may cover between 10% and 50% of the tuition fee.

N.B. The criteria for provision of tuition fee waivers may change from year to year and is left up to the school’s discretion. In order to apply for these, students must fill all of the application form including the financial aid section.

[B]. Country-based Financial Aid

General Country-based aid
MIP offers waivers of up to 50% of the tuition fee in order to promote international diversity within the class and to provide assistance to talented individuals from disadvantaged countries.

Aga Khan Foundation
The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant : 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June or July. The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master's level courses but applications from students who have already started their course of study cannot be accepted.
To apply for the scholarship please contact infomasters@mip.polimi.it
For more information, see Aga Khan Foundation Scholarships.

Expat Tuition Fee Waiver
MIP is offering up to 2 MIP contributions to international candidates already living, working or studying in Italy. The contribution starts at 20% of the tuition fee and each candidate will have the possibility to increase this discount depending on the quality of their application, previous work experience and GMAT score.
The selection criteria for the MBA is relevant to applicants of this contribution.

Deutsche Bildung loan
Deutsche Bildung offers a financial support program to students from Germany wishing to pursue their studies abroad. Students may receive monthly payments and if needed one-time payments up to 25,000 €. The repayment is income-linked, once grantees have entered their first job successfully. Term, level and duration of repayment are individually fixed at conclusion of contract. The online application is possible throughout the year at www.deutsche-bildung.de/studienkredit.

Talentia Fellowship
MIP Politecnico di Milano has recently entered in the TALENTIA FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM with its International MBA program. Through this cooperation with Agencia Andalusa del Conocimiento, MIP guarantees a discount of 50% of the tuition fee to the recipient, while the TALENTIA fellowship program will make further financial contribution at their discretion.

In addition to MIP's admissions criteria, eligible candidates must have citizenship from a European Union member State. For more, see Talentia Fellowship Program.

KRG-Scholarship program - Human Capacity Development
Students from the Kurdistan region of Northern Iraq that are accepted into MIP Politecnico di Milano are eligible to receive a scholarship from the Kurdistan Regional Government, in their KRG Scholarship program - Human Capacity Development. The program is designed to allow distinguished and committed young men and women to continue to further their educational pursuits in leading international institutes. For more, see KRG Scholarship.

Scholarships from Italian Regions and Provinces to Italian Citizens
Thanks to MIP's MBA programme being recognized as a University Master Degree, our Italian students have access to scholarships made available by Italian Regions and Provinces. Scholarships are merit-based and need-based. Please contact infomasters@mip.polimi.it for more information on scholarships for Italian citizens.

Country loans
If you are from China, India, PerĂ¹ or Taiwan and are interested in pursuing an MBA at MIP Politecnico di Milano, please contact us for more information about Loans issued by your country credit institutions infomasters@mip.polimi.it

[C]. Company Sponsorships

MIP is renowned for its close collaboration with industry and again this year, MIP is proud to announce that some of its closest collaborators will offer scholarships to outstanding International MBA candidates.

For more information, write to: infomasters@mip.polimi.it

[D]. Competitions

Applicants to the programme also have the opportunity to participate in competitions and the winners are awarded contributions towards the programme tuition fee.

The student who is recipient of the Expo2015 contribution will be practically involved throughout the master in a series of activities connected to the Expo that Milan is hosting in 2015.

Students interested in this competition are asked to write an essay, based on their country of residence, on one of the 4 main topics of the EXPO: Food, Energy, Planet or Life (500-700 words).

Application Deadline: 31st March 2014

To find out more about the collaboration with EXPO, click here.

Schmidt-MacArthur Fellowship
The Schmidt-MacArthur Fellowship (see the official website) is a yearly event aimed at promoting the Circular Economy, an economic concept regarding the re-circulation of resources back into the economy on a multi-use basis.

For students specifically interested in the Circular Economy, one MBA participant in the 2014 MBA class will receive the Fellowship Award, i.e. a €2,400 scholarship, and will take part in a 1 year Circular Economy Innovation project, including one week spent in London, as part of the scheme with other students from renowned universities worldwide.

Application Deadline: 10th February 2014

CleanTech Challenge (CTC)
A 25% tuition fee waiver is granted to one International Full Time MBA student who will become the Team Coordinator of the Italian Chapter of the CleanTech Challenge.

Application Deadline: 31st March 2014

MIP is proud to announce the relaunch of the MIP4Women competition initiative for the 2014 intake, after last year's success. Our goal is to continue to encourage female participation in our International MBA and to foster a culture of women in management.

Partake in the MIP FOR WOMEN competition and you could be awarded:
  • A first place grant of 10,000 euro
  • A second place grant of 7,000 euro
  • A third place grant 5,000 euro
To be eligible for this competition, you must meet the admissions requirements and write a small passage (no more than 500 words) on the following topic:

Choose a prominent female figure whom you admire. Please explain why and how her actions or beliefs affect your own personal and professional life.

Applicants will be judged on the quality of their application and profile (motivational interview, work experience, financial needs, education history) as well as the essay submitted.

Future Outlook Challenge
Share your ideas for a Sustainable Innovation Project and you may be awarded a 25% tuition fee waiver.

Submit your ideas for the sustainable innovation project. The best proposal in each category will be awarded with a 25% tuition fee waiver to the International Full-time MBA Programme (beginning in May 2014). You can choose from two different formats for the project – either MIP Club or Business Plan – and your essay should outline how the idea could be implemented in such a context. The winners of the competition will be given the task of coordinating either the club or business plan during the International MBA programme.

1). MIP Club
Design a project that could be undertaken as a series of club activities.
  • Activity to take place between May and March of the following year
  • Organise and coordinate club events, e.g presentations and fundraising activities
  • Liaise with the alumni association

2). Business Plan
The competition is aimed at supporting students with interesting business ideas to achieve an MBA diploma through the offer of a contribution.

Students interested should deliver an essay of few pages (3-5) presenting:
  • a description of the Business Idea;
  • a short analysis of the Business Area aimed at individuating possible opportunities and threats;
  • a short presentation of the competitive advantage that could characterize the company;
  • a rough analysis of the expected results (sales, earnings, costs, debts, etc.).
The idea will be evaluated taking into account several parameters including: innovativeness, feasibility, possible results, would-be entrepreneur competences.

The essay should be no longer than 1000 words with an abstract of 250 to 300 words.
Register your interest by sending a brief description or title of your proposal plus application (if you have not already done so).

Applicants will be judged on the quality of their application and profile (motivational interview, work experience, financial needs, education history) as well as the project submitted.

25% waiver is calculated over the €26,000 tuition fee (university taxes and book expenses are not covered).

QS-MIP Scholarship
If you have passed MIP’s admissions criteria and attended the QS World MBA Tour, QS World Executive MBA Tour or QS TopMBA Connect fair in the last 12 months, then you will be eligible to apply for the scholarship once you have completed the survey and written the essay requested. Click here to view more details

[E]. Contribution for Exceptional Merit

MIP is offering 2 contributions at 70% of the tuition fee for outstanding candidates. Applicants with a high GMAT, exceptional academic background, significant and relevant work experience and other demonstrated high achievement are invited to make an application. In addition to filling out the financial aid form (provided upon request) candidates will be asked to write a short essay (no more than 500 words) discussing their suitability and highlighting their achievements.

The following financial aid is offered by MIP Politecnico di Milano through the two Alumni Associations:
  • ASP - Alta Scuola Politecnica (up to 50%)
  • UNITECH (up to 50%)

It is important to visit the official Politechnico Di Milano website (link is below).

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: List of Scholarships in Italy for International Students