
2015 Commonwealth Scholarships for Citizens of Developing Commonwealth Countries

Commonwealth Scholarships for Master’s and PhD study

Course(s) Offered: Any field of study
Course Level: Graduate (Masters, PhD)
Provider: CSC, DFID
Country to Study in: UK

Scholarship Description
Each year, the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) invites each nominating agency, university or university body to forward a specific number of nominations for the commonwealth scholarship for developing countries.

Each nominating agency/university/university body is responsible for its own selection process, and in most cases they will set a closing date in the months preceding the CSC’s deadline for nominations (17 December 2014).

The Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships are for the successful individual applicants to pursue advanced academic study in other Commonwealth countries.

Candidates may choose any of the ‘nominating routes’ for any category of award, subject to the exceptions noted. Candidates must, however, apply locally in the first instance. The Commission does not accept direct applications from applicants.

To apply for the awards covered in this prospectus, candidates should:
  • Be Commonwealth citizens, refugees, or British protected persons
  • Be permanently resident in a Commonwealth country other than the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man
  • Be available to commence their academic studies in the United Kingdom by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2015
  • Hold, by October 2015, a first degree of upper second class Honours standard (or above); or a second class degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification, which will normally be a Master’s degree
For 'Additional Requirements', please visit the official website.

Selection criteria
Applications are considered according to the following selection criteria:
  • Academic merit of the candidate
  • Quality of the proposal
  • Likely impact of the work on the development of the candidate’s home country
Eligible groups
Citizens of a Developing Commonwealth country

Participating Institutions
Any approved UK university or higher education institution (with whom the Commission has a joint and/or part funding agreement for a specific programme of study or research and are not restricted to particular subject areas.)

A list of institutions that have agreed to offer joint and part funded scholarships is available on the official website (link to it is below).

This list indicates where an institution has agreed to offer funding to citizens of developed or developing Commonwealth countries only or, if not specified, to both. Agreement to joint and/or part funded scholarships is at the discretion of individual institutions.

Fields of study
You can apply for a Commonwealth Scholarship for the following levels of study:
  • Master’s (from 2013 onwards, the CSC funds one-year Master’s courses only)
  • PhD
  • Split-site (NO LONGER SUPPORTED), where the CSC supports one year’s study at a UK university as part of a PhD being undertaken in your home country
All subject areas are eligible, although the CSC’s selection criteria give priority to applications that demonstrate strong relevance to development.

You are requested to apply for a course of study at a UK university with which the CSC has a part funding agreement.

Number of Awards
Approximately 300 scholarships are awarded each year. The CSC invites around three times more nominations than scholarships available – therefore, nominated candidates are not guaranteed to get a scholarship.

There are no quotas for scholarships for any individual country. Candidates nominated by national nominating agencies are in competition with those nominated by universities/university bodies, and the same standards will be applied to applications made through either channel.

Sponsorship duration
For the whole duration of the programme.

Awards are to obtain one degree and funding will not be extended to enable candidates to complete an additional or higher qualification than that for which the selection was made. Scholarships are made in respect of full-time study only and no other courses of study may be undertaken at the same time.

It is important that candidates make clear at the point of application the qualification for which they are applying, especially if they wish to be considered for a Scholarship intended to lead to a doctoral degree. This will enable the Commission to consider the application in the correct category.

Scholarship benefits
Each Scholarship provides:
  • Student concessionary or other approved airfare to the United Kingdom and return on expiry of the Scholarship (the cost of journeys made before final award confirmation will not normally be reimbursed, nor can fares be paid for a Scholar’s dependants)
  • Approved tuition and examination fees
  • A personal maintenance allowance
  • A grant towards the expenses of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable
  • An initial arrival allowance, incorporating an initial clothing grant for Scholars from tropical countries
  • A grant for expenses for approved travel within the United Kingdom or overseas
  • A grant towards fieldwork costs for those Scholars undertaking doctoral studies for whom a case has been made for fieldwork outside the United Kingdom. This shall not normally exceed one economy class return airfare to the fieldwork location
  • A paid mid-term fare to their home country for Scholars on three year doctoral awards. Scholars for whom fieldwork fares are provided to their home country shall not be entitled to a mid-term fare home, nor Scholars who have claimed (or intend to claim) spouse or child allowances for more than 12 months during their award.
  • For married Scholars selected by the Commission for awards exceeding 18 months, a marriage allowance per month is payable provided that the husband and wife (or civil partners) are residing together at the same address in the United Kingdom. It is not paid when a husband or wife (or civil partner) of the Scholar is also in receipt of an award. For such married couples accompanied by their children, a child allowance is also paid for those under the age of 16, provided they are residing with their parents. The Commission’s spouse and family allowances represent only a contribution towards the costs of family maintenance in the UK and Scholars should expect and be able to supplement these allowances to support family members who choose to come to the UK.
Irrespective of the length of the award, a Scholar who is widowed, divorced or a lone parent will receive an allowance in respect of the first accompanying child and child allowances for the second and third accompanying children.

Method of Application
All applications must be made through your nominating agency (or university/university body, if applicable) in your home country. You must check with them in the first instance for specific advice on how to make an application and for their own closing date. The CSC cannot accept any applications direct from candidates.

The CSC expects all Commonwealth Scholarship candidates to be nominated by an approved nominating agency/university/university body, and to have completed an application form using our Electronic Application System (EAS).

Full help on how to apply using the EAS is provided in our guides (see below), which should be read in full before making any attempt to use the EAS.

You may Access the EAS

For detailed information, visit the official website (link to it is below), and take time to review the 2015 Commonwealth Scholarships Prospectus – includes full terms and conditions (please note in particular the eligibility criteria)

The EAS will close to applicants on 3 December 2014 and no further applications can be made after that date. The CSC will not accept any applications which are not submitted via the EAS to the nominating agency/university/university body in the candidate’s home country.

If you are a citizen of a developing Commonwealth country (see 'Eligible groups' above), you can apply for:
The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is an international programme under which member governments offer scholarships and fellowships to citizens of other Commonwealth countries. The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom (CSC) is responsible for managing Britain’s contribution to the CSFP.

There is a nominating agency for Commonwealth Scholarships in each Commonwealth country. In addition, universities and university bodies in a number of developing Commonwealth countries are invited to nominate candidates to the CSC.

Since inception in 1959, some 27,000 individuals have benefited from the award of Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships to pursue advanced academic study in other Commonwealth countries. About two thirds of awards have been tenable in the United Kingdom. The vast majority of award holders have returned to make a significant contribution to their home countries, in many cases at the highest level, making the award scheme one of the largest and most prestigious in the world.

Please note that all enquiries about these scholarships should be directed to the nominating agency/university/university body in your home country;

You may contact the CSC by completing the online email form here;

You may visit or write:
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom
c/o The Association of Commonwealth Universities
Woburn House, 20-24 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9HF.

Application Deadline: 3 December 2014
Open for International Students: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Commonwealth Scholarship Programs in the UK