
ESTS School of Thoracic Surgery Scholarships for Thoracic Surgeons

ESTS School of Thoracic Surgery Scholarships

Course(s) Offered: Thoracic Surgery
Course Level: Training
Provider: ESTS School of Thoracic Surgery
Country to Study in: Antalya (Turkey) and Elancourt (France)

The European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) is a professional association of thoracic surgeons in Europe, founded in 1993.

The European School of Thoracic Surgery has been established by the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons in 2007 with the aim of providing educational platforms for its members as well as all thoracic surgeons worldwide.

The ESTS provides various Scholarships to qualified physicians, amongst which are:

1). ESTS School (Elancourt and Antalya)

ESTS has initiated scholarships for its School courses in Antalya (Turkey) and Elancourt (France). The objective is to promote and support the education in thoracic surgery. Five scholarships will be provided in 2014 to trainees in Thoracic Surgery or thoracic surgeons who have already finished their training programme.

This educational grants are opened to everybody; however, some rules are to be used in selection of the applications. The following criteria will have priority in the selection:
  • From “low-middle income” countries in Europe according to the World Bank ranking system.
  • Predominant practice in General Thoracic Surgery.
  • Age under 35 years.
  • Trainees who have completed the first 48 months of their training programme.
  • Surgeons who are within the first 2 years of independent practice.
  • ESTS member.
This grant includes:
  • Free registration to the School course.
  • Attending all the scientific and social activities.
  • All School material (published course book, CD, etc.).
  • Free accommodation (with breakfast, lunch and dinner) during the course.
This grant does NOT include:
  • Travel expenses.
  • Optional social events.
Applications will be reviewed after the closing date of the 9 September 2013 and no priority is given to selection based on the date of submitting the application.

For more information about these scholarships please visit the official website (link to it is below).

Please note:
Applications for Scholarships for Elancourt and Antalya 2014 closed on the 9 September 2013.

2). ESTS Travel Fellowship - Takeda

The "ESTS Travel Fellowship Programme" targets thoracic surgeons (graduates or trainees), offering the opportunity to visit selected European centres for General Thoracic Surgery, as part of their career development.

ESTS has invited a number of European centres - specialised in General Thoracic Surgery with an annual case load of more than 400 operations - to volunteer as hosts for this programme. TAKEDA is the exclusive sponsor of the programme.

Applications for the Travel Fellowship Programme 2013 now closed.

3). ESTS-ACECP Travelling Felowship

Closing date: 31 December 2013

The ACECP was established in 2006 by Laureano Molins, M.D, Ramón Rami-Porta, M.D. and Enriqueta Felip, M.D, (Juan J Fibla, MD, since 2009) with the priority goal of offering to young surgeons grants to broaden their training and increase international contacts.

The ACECP Travelling Fellowship offered by ESTS provides thoracic surgeons with an unique opportunity to visit medical institutions and learn valuable skills and techniques from some of the European leading thoracic surgeons.

This collaborative project between the ESTS and the ACECP is planned for a further year for 2014 after which the project will be terminated.

Fellowship applications will be assessed by a Selection Committee of Board members of the ESTS and the ACECP, who will meet and decide on the candidate during the first two months of the natural year. Applications for 2014 will be accepted till 31 December 2013.

For more information about these scholarships please visit the official website (link to it is below).

Further Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Medical Scholarships for International Students