
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (SUFONAMA)

Erasmus Mundus Scholarships: MSc in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (SUFONAMA)

Course(s) Offered: Forest & Nature management, etc
Course Level: Graduate (masters)
Provider: Erasmus Mundus
Country to Study in: Europe (Denmark, UK, Germany, Sweden, Italy)

Scholarship Description
The global demand for forest and nature resources and the pressures on the natural environment seem to continue to increase. The need to ensure the sustainability of natural resources for future generations has never been greater.

The overall objective of the SUFONAMA Programme is to provide a top-level education programme that qualifies graduates to deal with the huge challenges in Europe’s pursuit of an evermore sustainable management of its natural resources, namely that the management of forest and nature areas must be seen in an integrated landscape context.

Admission Criteria:
  • A good first university degree in Forestry, Biology or related fields such as Environmental Science or Geography, alternatively in Economics, Management or Political Science
  • High proficiency in English
  • Strong personal statement of motivation
  • Good recommendations from two references, of which at least one is academic
  • CV
At the time of application, you must supply proof of your BSc degree as well as the required language test.

Eligible groups
Open to both Non-EU and EU students. All international students can apply.

Participating Institutions (The SUFONAMA Consortium)
The SUFONAMA MSc Course is organised by a Consortium which includes five of the best European universities within the field of forest and nature management:
The five universities all have significant experience in research-based teaching on forest and nature management. The SUFONAMA Programme thus provides you with a single entry point to top-level and up-to-date teaching.

Fields of study
The MSc Course in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (SUFONAMA) is a 2-year world-class integrated course aimed at qualifying graduates to deal with the enormous challenges in sustainable management of natural resources.

The following degrees are awarded: MSc in Forestry in Copenhagen, MSc in Environmental Forestry (year 1) and MSc in Conservation and Land Management (year 2) in Bangor, MSc in Forestry in Goettingen, MSc in Forestry in Alnarp, and MSc in Forestry and Environmental Sciences in Padova.

Number of awards
Every year approximately 17-20 EU scholarships are available

Sponsorship duration
Duration of program - the course is a 2-year program

Scholarship benefits
Category A Scholarships:
  • Category A Scholarships for Third-country nationals: Total 48.000 EUR
    These scholarships can be awarded to masters students from all countries other than the 27 EU member states and EEA/EFTA states: Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. Furthermore, you must comply with the 12 months rule: You must not be a resident nor have carried out main activity (studies, work, etc) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
Category B Scholarships:
  • Category B Scholarships for European nationals: Total 20.000 EUR
    These scholarships can be awarded to any masters students who do not fullfil the criteria A defined above, i.e nationality requirement and 12 months rule.
For both categories please note:
  1. You must study in two of the consortium partner countries.
  2. If you hold an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, these two countries must be different from the country in which you obtained your last university degree.
Method of Application
Admission criteria:
The SUFONAMA Consortium has developed a common set of admission criteria as well as joint application procedures. The SUFONAMA Commission carries out the selection of students, where all partner universities are represented. Please see 'Eligibility' above.

All applications are assessed by at least two senior faculty members, appointed by or part of the SUFONAMA Commission. Decisions on acceptance or not into the SUFONAMA programme is made by the SUFONAMA Commission. Each assessment category (i.e. academic potential, English proficiency, motivation, recommendations and relevant work experience) is allocated a grade between 0 and 5. A final application grade is obtained using a weighting system whereby 60% of the final grade is allocated to academic potential and 10% to each other category.

For detailed information, application procedure and to download the application form; please visit the official website (website to it is below).

SUFONAMA accepts applications for Category A and Category B scholarships. Application form is usually available in August. The application deadline is 1st December every year.

Scholars (established researchers and teachers) can apply on a continuous basis.

Important notice from the European Commission: You can only submit a total of three Erasmus Mundus applications for each application round counting both Master and PhD applications. In the eventual case that a student applies to more than three Erasmus Mundus programmes he/she will be excluded from the selection for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.

Erasmus Mundus Programme:
SUFONAMA is part of the Erasmus Mundus Programme initiated by the European Commission. The Erasmus Mundus Programme is a co-operation and mobility programme in the field of higher education that aims to enhance the quality of European higher education and promote intercultural understanding. Read more about the Erasmus Mundus Programme at the European Commission’s web site where you can also find a useful FAQ table, studies, statistics and other useful information about the programme.

Students without Erasmus Mundus scholarships:
It is possible to be admitted to the SUFONAMA course, even though you are not awarded a scholarship. You will then have to cover EM SUFONAMA participatory costs yourself. If you finance your study yourself, you are allowed to study in the country of your last university degree. The application procedure is the same as described for scholarship students, and admission is based on the same academic criteria.

Students from within the European Union can download the application form here. Deadline for them is 15th August every year.
Students from outside the European Union must contact the Erasmus Mundus secretariat directly for further information on procedures and deadlines.

Scholar scholarships:
The Erasmus Mundus programme supports visiting non-EU scholars staying at one of the SUFONAMA universities for a period of typically three months. However, the duration of stays can vary from one week to three months. The weekly living allowance including travel costs is 1.200 EUR.

Scholars are established researchers and teachers. During the stay scholars will carry out research or teaching activities, for example by contributing to established courses, temporary seminars/workshops or with supervision of students.

For information on i.e. application procedure, admission, and Erasmus Mundus scholarships please contact the Erasmus Mundus Secretariat:

Erasmus Mundus Secretariat
Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Bülowsvej 17, DK-1870 Frederiksberg

For information on academic or administrative issues related to one of the five universities in the consortium, please look for the relevant contact person at the respective university.

Application Deadline: 1 December 2013 (BUT Rolling for Scholars)
Open to International Applicants: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: European Scholarships for International Students