
Let Girls Lead Tell your Story Video Contest (win $10,000) for Young Women Worldwide!

Let Girls Lead Tell your Story Video Contest

Course(s) Offered: Story-telling
Course Level: Contest / Competition
Provider: Let Girls Lead
Country to Study in: Any country

Scholarship Description
Are you a lady, girl or woman, changing the world in your own way? Making a difference in the world?

Here is your chance to tell your story and stand a chance of winning $10,000.

Let Girls Lead (LGL) hereby invites you to share your story on how you are changing the world. You could win $10,000 and your story could be made into a film, starring you!

Tell us how girls are changing the world!

Contest Guidelines:
  • This contest is open to girls between 12-25 years of age. Enter as either individuals, groups, or organizations.
  • Videos should be between 1-2 minutes in length.
  • Videos must be received by 11:59pm GMT 12/31/13
  • Videos must be accompanied by a full video transcription in English (can be provided using Google Translate)
Judging Criteria:
Your video submission will be judged by a panel of experts and girl leaders based on how clearly it shows us:
  • Why you are a leader in your community
  • How your leadership changed your family or community
  • Why your important story should be made into a film
  • Your unique point of view as a girl leader or organization working with girl leaders
Eligible groups
Female citizens of ALL countries worldwide

Participating Institutions
Let Girls Lead (LHL), Public Health Institute (PHI), 555 12th Street, 10th Floor, Oakland, California; USA

Let Girls Lead is a global movement that empowers girls and their allies to lead social change through advocacy, education, economic empowerment, storytelling, and strategic partnerships.

Fields of study
Make a 1-2 min. video to tell a story of girls’ leadership!
  1. What challenges did you address?
  2. What was your solution?
  3. How did you show leadership?
  • Practice before recording and time yourself
  • Make sure your face is visible
  • Record in a quiet place, speak clearly
  • Introduce yourself at the beginning
  • If using a phone, hold it horizontal
Sponsorship duration
This is a ONE-TIME cash prize award, with other forms of empowerment

Scholarship benefits
Winners will be awarded $10,000 in cash, equipment, and training to make your story into a film, starring you!

Method of Application
Interested and want to apply? If you are eligible and have made your video, you may submit via link below.

Ready to submit?
Submit your Video Now for the Let Girls Lead Tell your Story Video Contest

For more information, visit the Official Website (link to it is below) of the Let Girls Lead movement. It is important to carefully read through and note the 'Official Rules' as posted on the official website.

All videos must be received by 11:59pm GMT on December 31st 2013.

Let Girls Lead is a global movement that empowers girls and their allies to lead social change through advocacy, education, economic empowerment, storytelling, and strategic partnerships.

Let Girls Lead improves girls’ education, health, and livelihoods through strategic partnerships that ensure girl-friendly laws, funding, and programs around the world.

We enable girls to share their own inspiring stories of leadership through our interactive media platform and powerful short films. We support girls’ economic empowerment and entrepreneurship, and sustainable solutions to ending poverty.

Our results include laws and policies that improve girls’ lives, and programs that empower young women to develop their own solutions to the obstacles they face.

Application Deadline: 31 December 2013
Open to International Applicants: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: List of Women Scholarships for International Students