
Google Cloud Platform Developer Challenge for Software Developers Worldwide

Google Cloud Platform Developer Challenge

Course(s) Offered: Application development
Course Level: All software developers
Provider: Google Inc.
Country to Study in: Worldwide

Scholarship Description
Welcome to the Google Cloud Developer Challenge!

The Google Cloud Platform is used around the world to create and deploy solutions that are affordable, scalable and easy to maintain. These qualities empower developers worldwide to solve local and global challenges with cloud technology.

The Google Cloud Developer Challenge is a contest designed to motivate and reward entrants who develop applications that are based on Google’s Cloud Platform that are original and relevant to the region in which they live.

Google invites you to the very first Google Cloud Developer Challenge to build locally relevant web applications that solve real world problems. It's time to show the world what you can do with the Google Cloud Platform.

Developers in 6 regions across the world will win prizes that include Android devices and up to $20,000 USD. Google is also highlighting innovations of students and female developers!

The Google Cloud Developer Challenge is a contest designed to motivate and reward entrants who develop applications that are based on Google’s Cloud Platform that are original and relevant to the region in which they live.

The following criteria are applicable:

[A]. Locations:
The Google Apps Developer Challenge is open to developers worldwide, except for those in the following countries/regions: Quebec, Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Sudan

[B]. Submissions:
  • All submissions must have an appspot.com domain with a url in the followin format: gcdc2015-<app-name>.appspot.com
  • The Google Cloud Developer Challenge contest is open only to applications that have not been made publicly available through the Google Apps Marketplace, Chrome Web Store or any other website prior to June 1, 2013. Additionally, applications that were entered into other developer app contests are ineligible for the contest, regardless whether they were winning apps. Similarly, updated versions of applications entered in other developer contests are ineligible.
  • When you enter an application in the Google Cloud Developer Challenge by submitting the URL to the application, access details to the application and a 400 word manual that describes how to use your application we will make it available to all contest judges for free, exclusively for the purposes of judging. If you intend to sell your application after the conclusion of the contest, you must make available a "trial" version of the application for judging. We recommend that your trial version include full functionality, but with a timed expiration, rather than including limited functionality with no expiration. Judges will evaluate your application based only on the functionality accessible to them, so it makes sense to provide the fullest range of capabilities possible in your contest app.
[C]. Teams:
Teams can be no more than 3 people. All team members’ names must be listed when submitting the application for the Google Cloud Developer Challenge.

For full details of eligibility, please see the official website (via link below) for the complete 'Terms and Conditions'.

Eligible groups
Submissions will be accepted from any one of these six Competition Regions (except the countries listed below):
  1. Sub-Saharan Africa
  2. Middle East and North Africa
  3. India
  4. South East Asia
  5. Latin America
  6. United States, Europe and rest of world
EXCEPT Quebec, Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Sudan

Participating Institutions
Google Inc.

Fields of study
All you have to do is build and submit an amazing application in one of these Entry Categories:
  • Enterprise/Small Business Solutions , Education, Not for Profit
  • Social / Personal Productivity/Games / Fun
You will have the opportunity to “WOW” the world with your awesome web application built on Google App Engine using Google APIs like the Google+, Youtube and Maps APIs.

Number of awards
A winner will be chosen for each category, in each region — 12 prizes in total.
Awards for best mentors! A mentor will be chosen for in each region — 6 prizes in total.

Scholarship benefits
If your application is judged the best in your region, within one of the two categories mentioned above, you could win a prize of $20,000! Google says it is devoted to raising the next generation of information technology experts as well as encouraging diversity among software developers.

In line with this, there are special prizes for all-female teams — $2,000 and $1,000 dollars for ‘all-student teams’ that make the second round. Any ‘all female student team’ that makes the second round will receive a prize of $3,000. There are also prizes available for those who are interested in mentoring contestants.

Method of Application
Want to start hacking? You can develop applications on the Google Cloud Platform using any of Python, Java, PHP and Go programming languages.

You can also apply for $2,000 worth of Google Cloud Platform credit here using the promo code: gcpdc-in.

The competition starts September 4th, 2013 with the first round of submissions starting on October 22, 2013. The first round of submissions closes November 21, 2013.

Generally speaking, the challenge is open to software developers all over the world; however, ensure that you refer to the terms and conditions (found on the official website via the link below) to see the exceptions.

The Entrant retains ownership of all intellectual and industrial property rights in and for the Entry which the Entrant had prior to submission, including the right to distribute the application commercially. For more details, please refer to the Terms & Conditions.

Application Deadline: 21 November 2013
Open to International Applicants: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application