
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Funding Scholarships for International Scholars, Scientists and Academics

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Funding Schemes

Course(s) Offered: Any topic
Course Level: Graduate (research)
Provider: SNSF
Country to Study in: Switzerland

Scholarship Description
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), established as a foundation under private law since 1952, is Switzerland’s foremost institution in the promotion of scientific research.

The Foundation offers a wide range of research funding schemes which are open to scientists and academics of any nationality working in Switzerland.

It has funded research work in all scientific fields on behalf of the Swiss Confederation. With few exceptions (mainly research programmes), the topics and scope of the research can be defined by the researchers themselves.

In fulfilling its mandate to promote scientific research, the SNSF has devised a variety of funding schemes under which researchers can submit applications and request financial support.

The funding schemes are organised as follows: Projects; Careers; Programmes; Infrastructures; AND Public science communication.

Basically any scientist (male and female) working in Switzerland regardless of their nationality can apply for funding from the SNSF.

The requirements as regards to scientific qualifications, age limits, individual research experience, etc. vary depending on the type of funding selected.

These requirements are outlined in detail in the information for individual funding programmes, or with the respective calls for applications. Please see official website (link to it is below) for this.

Eligible groups
Citizens of ANY nationality (scientists and/or academics)

Fields of study
In the funding of Projects, Careers, Infrastructures and Science communication, the applicants are free to define the topic and scope of their research projects themselves.

At the SNSF, the term "Programmes" refers to funding schemes whose basic parameters are predefined. These parameters may be of a thematic or conceptual/organisational nature.

Some of the SNSF's funding programmes were suggested by researchers or their home institutions, while others were established by political actors.

Number of awards
Not specified

Scholarship benefits
Each SNSF research funding scheme has its own budget.

In so doing, it seeks to implement the principle of fair competition: applications must always be evaluated in a competitive procedure through comparisons with similar applications.

Method of Application
If you are interested in a specific funding scheme, or have chosen the appropriate funding scheme, please refer to the relevant SNSF websites (link found below) or contact the Administrative Offices of the SNSF by phone or email to obtain information on eligibility criteria and deadlines.

Applications must be submitted electronically in all funding schemes via the web platform mySNF. For this you need a user account, which you can request on the website www.mysnf.ch.

After logging in, you can draft a new application in the chosen funding scheme. You will find instructions on how to fill in the relevant online forms in the help texts and downloads.

Applications for project grants for basic research on topics freely chosen by the researchers (relevant to divisions I, II and III) can be submitted on 1 April or 1 October. Applications for the Sinergia funding scheme are accepted once per year, on January 15. For all other types of funding, the specific deadlines are listed in the descriptions of each individual funding scheme or given in each call for proposals.

A funding proposal is regarded as submitted in due time if received by the SNSF on the last day of the deadline or on the submission date (until midnight).

If the last day of the deadline or the submission date is a Saturday, a Sunday or a holiday recognised under Swiss federal law, the deadline will be extended, or the submission date postponed until the next working day.

For electronically submitted proposals, the SNSF’s system administrators define the rules regarding deadlines.

The funding schemes of the SNSF are geared at different career stages. In addition, some schemes are suited to individuals or small research groups, others to large research groups and consortia.

You may want to see the Frequently Asked Questions.

For questions about project funding for basic research on topics freely chosen by the researchers and conference funding, contact the Administrative Offices of the relevant division:
  • Division I: Humanities and Social Sciences (E-mail: div1@snf.ch)
  • Division II: Mathematics, Natural and Engineering Sciences (E-mail: div2@snf.ch)
  • Division III: Biology and Medicine (E-mail: div3@snf.ch)
For questions about project funding for national and international funding programmes:
  • Programmes division (Div. IV): National funding programmes (NRP, NCCR) (E-mail: nfp@snf.ch / nccr@snf.ch)
  • International Co-operation division: (E-mail: international@snf.ch)
For questions about fellowships:
  • Careers division (E-mail: fellowships@snf.ch)
For questions concerning interdisciplinary and co-operative research
  • Division CoRe: (E-mail: core@snf.ch)
Addresses, telephone and e-mail: See "contact" for each funding scheme.

Application Deadline: 1 April or 1 October / 15 January / Rolling
Open to International students: Yes

More Scholarship Information and Application

Related: Scholarships in Switzerland for International Students