
Tips for Choosing A Suitable Bachelor's Degree Program in Instanbul

Written by a Guest Contributor

Making a choice on which degree program is best to pursue is a cumbersome issue for many scholars worldwide. Selecting the best program is an essential decision to make in one’s life to avoid regrets onwards as years pile.

Istanbul has various institutes of higher learning where one can get a degree. They include Istanbul university, Marmara university, Mimar sinan university and others. Students from other countries may apply for Turkey visas online in order to get to Istanbul and enjoy some of the short courses.

Tips for Choosing A Suitable Bachelor's Degree Program in Instanbul

A person in Istanbul should take into consideration various factors before joining a degree program as discussed here below:


When choosing a best program one should be ready to incur a great cost as professional courses are expensive.

Most professional courses cost range from $1500-$2000 depending on cost of paying instructors and operating cost. Mostly, the more expensive a program is the better it is and vice versa.

Programs like medicine and engineering are better but very costly.

Students from recognized institutions receive financial aid by filling out the FAFSA. Consider the university which provide many financial gifts and aids.


This is the period that one is supposed to cover while pursuing certain programs in order to be accredited. Mostly the best courses usually takes a longer duration to complete.

Students should consider the length that a program will take before joining its classes.

Foreigners from other countries should start programs which they will be in a position to finalize before they retire back to their countries.


Ensure a program has been reviewed and recognized by an accrediting agency.

Accreditation ensures that professional and academic standards have been satisfied. Courses that are not accredited are not fully recognized and may pose a danger when searching for a job or a master’s degree.


A nice program should be trained by an instructor who is highly qualified having a master degree or above and experience.

Avoid programs taught by mentors or tutors with undefined qualifications as this will be a wastage of time.

Some colleges fear employing highly qualified lecturers as they demand high pay which they may not afford. Courses taught by semi-skilled lecturers are usually less expensive but are best avoided.


The main reason for choosing the best course is to secure a nice job after school.

Here one should select the best rewarding program or a program that will be marketable in future.

Those willing to work in Istanbul should consider programs concerned with technology, medicine or engineering as this will make them hot cakes upon graduation.


Some courses need practical experience apart from the theoretical part in order to get skills on the field that one is pursuing.

Employer needs certificates that have been incorporated with a practicum in the fields of study.

Programs without a practicum do not meet international standards whatsoever and cannot be recognized worldwide.


Attend a competitive college which accepts a great number of the students willing to join it. School that accept about all applicant are usually less prestigious.

It is absolutely true that one reaps what s/he sows. Consider education as a long term investment and capital used will appreciate drastically. This will enable you secure employment and live well. Istanbul has great colleges which can change one’s life and those willing to join these colleges should apply for online Turkish visa.

Author Bio:
Ruby Andrew, a guest writer and blogger by profession lives in Bristol, UK. Since a very long time, she has had a passion for writing and can write on any topic. Her areas of interest are travel, health, fitness, automobile, fashion, technology and weddings. At present, she works as a guest blogger on behalf of Online Turkish Visa.

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